Tuesday 15 May 2012

Welcome to Hogwarts!

Our spaces at Hogwarts Class 2012 are FILLING UP FAST!
Luckily for most of you, you have already signed up to this exclusive site and are about to experience magical thrills no Muggle could dream of.

So, to make this experience even more special, our wizarding arts director ~Lupin has created four, specific to 2012 House Crests and you can check them out at our Facebook Page.

During the sorting ceremony, ~Lupin and I will assign you to a house and that will be yours until your education at Hogwarts completes, you are expelled or you choose to leave and live a Muggle life. In your signing up, you selected a maximum of two houses you would not mind being put in for. These were not final and you should not expect them to be so BUT just as in the case of Harry Potter, we will take you choice into consideration.
Also, again we urge you to sign friends up to this site to make it even more competitive and enjoyable for your self!


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